Attendance Reporting

Full-day absence, late arrival, or early checkout

Willow Springs uses PickUpPatrol for parents/guardians to report absences from school and to ensure a safe dismissal for all students. Families will receive an email with registration instructions.

Report Absence or Dismissal Change

Welcome to PickUp Patrol pickup patrol logo

At Willow Springs we use a system that helps parents make absence and dismissal changes for their child(ren) efficiently and conveniently. It is called PickUp Patrol.

PickUp Patrol is a cloud-based web application that automates the after-school dismissal process by combining powerful tools for school offices and a convenient mobile "app" for parents. It eliminates the need for parents to write notes or make phone calls to change their children’s after-school plans which increases office productivity, decreases classroom interruptions, and assists with the accuracy of end-of-day student safety.

To make an absence or dismissal change you will simply log in, select a date, choose your child’s name and a dismissal option, then click on submit and that’s it! You can make plan changes at your convenience, and submit them days, weeks, or even months in advance. And, for added security, you’ll receive a confirmation email each time a change is made.

Joining PickUp Patrol

You will receive a “Welcome to Pickup Patrol” email with login instructions that will allow for easier, safer dismissals! Once logged in, create your child(ren)'s dismissal plan(s) for the remainder of the year. Please watch this video PUP How it Works video or use this tool PUP from Parents POV to familiarize yourself with the program.


Parents use PickUp Patrol from their smartphone or computer.

Absence Reporting (including late arrivals)

If your student will be absent from school, report the absence using PickUp Patrol by 9 a.m. on the day of the absence. If you receive a confirmation email from PickUp Patrol - your absence has been recorded! Our office assistant has to enter absences into SIS manually, so you may still receive an automated call from FCPS, but the school receives ALL PickUp Patrol absence reports.

Dismissal Changes (including early dismissal)

Changes can be entered from a smartphone or computer days, weeks, or months in advance, and at any time up until 1 p.m. on the day of the change.  A dismissal change occurs when your child is doing something other than their default plan (i.e. after school clubs, Kiss & ride instead of the bus, etc.).

After 2:30 p.m., changes will not be accepted except in the case of an emergency. The end of the school day is a busy time. To ensure the safety of all students, please plan accordingly and limit these exceptions to emergencies ONLY.

To make an ABSENCE or DISMISSAL CHANGE, you simply:

  • Login
  • Select a date
  • Choose your child and Dismissal Option
  • Hit submit and that’s it!


Default plans are how your child typically gets home each day, each student needs to have a default plan.

  • Login to your PickUp Patrol account on a computer (you cannot enter Default Plans in the App.)
  •  In the top right-hand corner, you should click on your name.
  •  In the drop-down box, select DEFAULT PLANS.
  •  Click the name of your child.
  •  Enter the Default Plans from the drop-down boxes for each day.
  •  If your child has the same Default Plan each day of the week, enter Monday's plan, then go down to the bottom of the box and click COPY MONDAY.
  • Click SAVE.
  • Repeat for additional children.

You can make plan changes at your convenience, and submit them days, weeks, or even months in advance. For added security, you’ll receive a confirmation email each time a change is made.


What is the link for parents to use?​​​​​​​

How do I get to the Login Page?

  • Initially, you will click on the link in the Welcome Email you received.
    • After that, there are three other ways:
      • Click on the PickUp Patrol link on your website.
      • On the PickUp Patrol website ( there is a blue PARENT LOGIN button at the top right-hand corner of the home page.
      • You can also go directly to the application itself:  

My Registration Link has expired. What do I do?

  • Since the links expire in 24 hours for security reasons, ask your school to send you another welcome email. 

I did not receive a welcome email and I know the school has sent them out.

  • Check your junk or spam folder.
  • If the email can't be found in your junk or spam folder, check with your child's school secretary to verify that your email address is correct in PickupPatrol 

I downloaded the App, but I can't log in.

  • You first need to register using the link you received in the Welcome Email. Then, you will be able to login to the App.

What if my student has a different dismissal plan every day? (For example, Bus #2 on Monday, Pottery Club on Tuesday, and Walker on Wednesday)

  • You can enter a different default plan for every day of the week! 

Is this an app?

  • PickUp Patrol is a website that is designed to look like a mobile app. The company is able to make updates more efficiently than with an app. You can add it to your phone's home screen as an icon by following these directions: How to add PickUp Patrol to your home screen


  • Have trouble remembering to make that PickUp change by 1 p.m.?
    • Set your phone alarm as a reminder!
  • Have trouble entering a 'Note'?
    • Be sure you are NOT clicking on the word 'Note'. Click below the word and a field will appear. 
  • Not sure your changes have been saved?
    • If you have received an email, your changes have been saved.


Once signed up you will receive an email with plenty of information. The website is user-friendly and will guide you through setting everything up. If you would like to learn more or need any help accessing PickUp Patrol please contact the office at 703-679-6000.  More information can be found here:

Thank you for using PUP to make safety a priority and to ensure our dismissal process is efficient for all our students!