School-Wide Estimation Contest

By Liz Flaherty
December 17, 2021
School-Wide Estimation Contest
Winners of the school-wide estimation contest!


All students had the opportunity to participate in a school-wide estimation contest. Students examined a container full of small pumpkin candy corn; a smaller container for kindergarten through second grades, and a larger container for third through sixth grades.

Many estimations came close to the total, and four students guessed the number of pumpkins exactly. Congratulations to the following students:

Kindergarten - Second-Grade Estimation Jar:

  • Matthew Brady in Ms. Creek's 2nd-grade class
  • Euiso Lee in Ms. Miller's 2nd-grade class
  • Asan Safiyanov in Ms. Willison's 2nd-grade class

These three students correctly estimated exactly 37 pumpkins in the container.

Third - Sixth-Grade Estimation Jar

  • Leo Li in Ms. Martin's 4th-grade class

Leo correctly estimated exactly 149 pumpkins in the container.

These students earned an opportunity to play games with our administrators, Mr. Taylor, Ms. Hassen, and Ms. Stringer, for their excellent estimation skills. They created their own Mancala games (using egg cartons and dried beans) and then learned and played a friendly and competitive game of Mancala!

Congratulations again to Matthew, Euiso, Asan, and Leo! We will be doing more school-wide math opportunities when we return from winter break.